– Download Microsoft Office for Mac

Download Microsoft Office for Your Mac Computer :
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Download Microsoft Office for Mac Computer:
- With the download, you will require your 25-character item key to finish the introduction. You have two different ways to get the item key.
- In the event that you bought Office for Mac customarily, you can get the 25-character item key in an orange sticker attached to the DVD sleeve or case.
- In the event that you bought and downloaded Office for Mac on the web, the 25-character item key can be found on the affirmation page and on the email message that was shipped off you when you download the product.
- To download Office for Mac 2011, open a new tab in the browser and enter the URL in the address bar.
- Then click Buy now option.
- Next, enter the product key into the required field and select the language of your Office for Mac 2011 product. Then hit ‘Submit’ to continue.
- Follow the page prompts to complete the installation.
- Download Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 at
Uninstall Microsoft Office on Mac:
- To uninstall Microsoft Office on Mac, open Finder and navigate to Applications. Press the Command key and click to select all of the Office 2016 for Mac applications. Keep holding the Command key and click an application you selected and click Move to Trash.
- To remove leftover files:
- Open Finder and press the Command key + Shift + H.
- On the Finder menu at the top, click View to as List, and then click View to Show View Options.
- In the View Options dialog box, select Show Library Folder and save. Return back to Finder and navigate to Library and Containers. Finally, delete some files:
- Plus, these three additional files, which are located in Library to Group Containers:
-, UBF8T346G9.Office, UBF8T346G9.OfficeOsfWebHost.
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- As MS Office for Mac is accessible in two forms a one-time installment and membership — there are two costs. Assuming you need to purchase a permit for Office Home and Student 2019 for Mac, which incorporates Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote, it will cost you $149.99. On the off chance that you’d prefer to utilize Microsoft Office Outlook, you’ll need to buy the Office Home and Business 2019 for Mac at $249.99.
- For the membership model, Microsoft Office 365 for Mac, you pay a month-by-month or yearly expense. Furthermore, as new forms are presented, you naturally get them as a component of your membership. Office 365 for Home expenses $99.99 every year or $9.99 per month.
Microsoft Office Contact Details:
For more details call on 1800 102 1100.
Reference Link: