www.sbaloanstatus.com – How To Apply Economic Injury Disaster Loan(EIDL) Online

How to check your Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Application Status:
The small business, sole proprietor, independent contractor and Not-profit-organization who have applied for the $10,000 EIDL advance loan, could check their application status through the Skip YoGov portal. Skip is a mission-driven company that has helped millions of people to get easier access to government-related services and information. The company based in California and want you to skip the red tape, skip the lines and save time to access critical government services when they need them the most.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, SBA resumed accepting new Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) application for small business owners, NGO, U.S agriculture business in all U.S states, Washington D.C and territories. To know more about how you could check your EIDL application status, you could go through the following article.
What is the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL):
- In response to this COVID -19 pandemic crisis, EIDL is a form of financial assistance from the United States of America Govt.
- EIDL is for small business houses, a not-for-profit organization, U.S agriculture of all U.S States and its territories.
- It was designed, to provide economic relief to the business that is currently experiencing temporary loss of revenue.
- EIDL can be useful to cover your working capital and normal operating expenses. Such as continuation to health care benefits, utilities, fixed debt payments and rent.
Who is eligible to apply for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL):
- Qualified agriculture and small business owners in all U.S States and territories are eligible to apply for the low-interest rate loan.
- An agriculture business house of 500 or fewer employees is eligible to apply for the EIDL.
- Agriculture business means those who are engaged in the production of food and fibre, ranching and raising of livestock, aquaculture and all other farming and agriculture-related business, are eligible to apply for the EIDL.
How to apply for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL):
- To apply, for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), you could visit the following page www.sba.gov/funding-programs/loans/coronavirus-relief-options/economic-injury-disaster-loan
- Now, you could click on the button “Apply Here,”
- After that, you will be asked to enter the following information
Eligibility entity verification (Choose anyone)
Review and check all the following entity (If Applicant is unable to check all of the following, the Applicant is not an Eligible Entity)
- After that, you need to click on the button “Continue” to proceed further
- Thereafter, you will need to go through the next following steps to apply for the EIDL
Business information
Business owner information
Additional information
- After authentication your all documents and eligibility criteria, you would be acknowledged about your EIDL status.
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How to check your EIDL application status:
- To check your EIDL application status, you could visit the following page www.sbaloanstatus.com
- Here, you need to enter your following details
First name
Last name
Phone number
EIDL application number
- And, click on the button “See Loan Program Progress”
- After validating your above details, you would be able to check your EIDL application status.
How to register for a Skip Account to avail all the services and information provided by the U.S Govt.:
- To, register for a Skip Account, you could visit the following page helloskip.com/subscribe
- Here, you could choose a monthly plan or Annual plan
- And, you will be required to enter your following information
First name
Last name
Email address
- After that, click on the button “Verify credit card and Start Free Trial”
- After validating your credit card details, you would be able to register for a new Skip account.
Note –
1) For the annual plan, you will get 60% off, or you will need to pay $7 per month, after getting the first 15-day trial.
2) For the monthly plan, you will get 25% off, or you will need to pay $9 per month, after getting the first 15-day trial.
If you need any further assistance or have any queries regarding the EIDL application status, you could reach to the Skip through the following options
How to contact Skip:
- For further assistance, you could go through their FAQ’s to get a quick resolution.
- Or you could reach them through their email address,
- You could also follow Skip through their social media handlers,
Facebook – www.facebook.com/skipconcierge
Twitter – twitter.com/skipconcierge
Instagram – www.instagram.com/accounts/login
Reference – www.sbaloanstatus.com